
Showing posts from September, 2022

we be rendering up in ha

For the one on one critique Ahmed and I discussed how my skull is a remix and juxtaposition of visual iconography. I wanted the pillars to represent history and importance, the hand of my 3d design is the human factor of giving and taking, the skull represents the cycle of death and decay that troubles even the most existential philosopher. The garbage spewing from said rotten visage is the visual representation of the conclusion of our grand species; being buried under the weight of our own waste and generational mistakes. pray for us, greg pray for us.  For this I remixed and appropriated cultural objects trying to tie and relate recognizable objects that have a cumulative visual history. I wanted to create a humorous and yet dark object combining Shakespeare and garbage. The pillar is a pedestal using atheistic from Ancient Greece often used to show a historical importance, combined with the skull in the hand is a reference to hamlet signifying the human life cycle and the poeti...

3D mashes

 Remix culture is the appropriation of recognizable iconography often using contrast and pop culture to create a new message or emotion via skewing, mashing, or changing multiple existing images or objects. Remix culture often aims to create a new message using absurdity and juxtaposition. It relies on existing imagery that has a common knowledge to a mass populace which already evokes an existing emotion or idea. The combining of recognizable images is then used to convey a new message.  for this image I wanted to use the contrast of Christian iconography with medieval and nautical images, I'm attempting to create an image that connects us to a religious concept while leaving a mystery to exact setting and belief. I want it to look both recognizable and foreign.     for this I combined the pedestal to evoke the feeling of historical and cultural prevalence with the hand and the skull to tie it to a human life and death cycle. I then chose to add the garbage spe...

Aidans 3D old school radio!

 For this project I was inspired by this little radio that is shown in the documentary, i'm not sure if he is the designer but it is shown during the interviews with Dieter Rams. It stood out to me a simple and sleek device. This was an object that looked to me as something that would age better with time, at least aesthetically. I tried to create my own little retro radio, it was my first time using this program so it looks a little rough but I love it. I tried to focus on less is more as well as having a classic visual aesthetic.