we be rendering up in ha

For the one on one critique Ahmed and I discussed how my skull is a remix and juxtaposition of visual iconography. I wanted the pillars to represent history and importance, the hand of my 3d design is the human factor of giving and taking, the skull represents the cycle of death and decay that troubles even the most existential philosopher. The garbage spewing from said rotten visage is the visual representation of the conclusion of our grand species; being buried under the weight of our own waste and generational mistakes. pray for us, greg pray for us. 

For this I remixed and appropriated cultural objects trying to tie and relate recognizable objects that have a cumulative visual history. I wanted to create a humorous and yet dark object combining Shakespeare and garbage. The pillar is a pedestal using atheistic from Ancient Greece often used to show a historical importance, combined with the skull in the hand is a reference to hamlet signifying the human life cycle and the poetic futility of the struggle of life. I want to add these visuals together the hand, the skull, and the pedestal that create a darker and grandiose image. I then decided to juxtapose this more serious concoction with the spewing of garbage, I wanted a humorous and thoughtful object sending the message of all cumulative human history and achievment leading to our inevitable cultural destruction via consumption, greed, and capitialism.  

