
please pass me, I will eat a lightbulb if you don't


My grandma died for real this time

 Sorry Greg but I've gotta go to the hospital, they're putting the old bird down.  So, I won't be making it to class today, apologies  

like seriously the worst submission in the room. f@#k me.

                                                                The Process: Good afternoon fellow humans. This is my fantastic 3d object design. As you can tell by the craftsmanship,  I must be a man of divine skill.  I skipped the laser cutter as my manly hands have precision that is the envy of all machines. I based my design off of mc Daniel Dumile, the metal faced the villain, metal fingers himself, King Geedorah, Mf doom, victor vaughndoom the vaudeville villain. You may be asking why my object is  so non-human sized. This is because I have been trapping squirrels and super gluing masks like this to their face. So,  there is a purpose please pass me.  Template: 3D Render

for the love of all that hangs please just pass me.

  the object I have decided to 3d design is the mask of Mf Doom, the Metal Face, King Geedorah, Viktor Von Doom the Vaudeville Villan, Metal fingers, the villain, Zev Love X, Daniel Dumile, Doom himself. An incredibly influential Hip Hop artist who passed away 2 years ago. His influences will forever change and alter the course of hip hop a genre. and I like him and stuff so that's why I have a deep end ever important love and respect of him. please just pass me or I'll kill a puppy, not really, but maybe.     

A Letter of My Mortal Departure For The Illustrious Greggory Ballthalmule

My dearest and most warmly thought of Greggory, I write to inform you my that our worst fears have come to pass. The doctors and surgeons have all but confirmed it, I have fallen ill. A dark viscous bile is the only lubricant that provides my constricted throat any ease, a damp sweat soaks my sheets in the dark of night. I have lost all sense of hearing and boils have started to flush my legs like the tide of time rushing upon the elderly. Each approaching moment I grow more confident that this illness that beseeches me is terminal. The servants have tried their best to keep my comfortable but in this old manor there truly is no warmth to be found. If not for the memories of our time together in this 3D objects design class, I would have surely frozen days ago. I regret not being able to attend today's lesson, I have an even deeper regret that I shall not be posting the homework this week as I have fallen to a weakness not entirely different than the black death. with the reprieve ...

I grieve in stereo , the stereo sounds strange
